Nine Inch Nails Concert Review - Metro Melbourne 14/05/2007
Here you go fans, Mad Dog Muirs Review of the much anticipated Nine Inch Nails Concert at the Metro Nightclub, Melbourne, Australia 14/05/2007.
Its hard to begin with my review of the concert last night. It was defiintely one full of energy and the first concert I have ever been to where I knew every word of every song. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that it is my favourite concert to date. The energy was incredible. As soon as the unfortunate support act had been cleared off the stage the excitment level grew steadily until the band started out with the awesome building sound of 'Hyperpower!'. The song selection was incredible, jumping from the new cd, back though their entire catalogue, even including some great hits off sound tracks like 'Dead Souls' from "The Crow", and 'Burn' from "Natural Born Killers". It really blended together into a perfect mix. Violent high energy tunes switching to emotional masterpieces changing to instrumental mastery and then into industrial techno.
Here's the set list for your ipod playlists :
- Hyperpower!
- The Beginning Of The End
- Last
- Survivalism
- March Of The Pigs
- Something I Can Never Have
- Capital G
- Burn
- Gave Up
- Help Me I Am In Hell
- Me, I'm Not
- Eraser
- La Mer (short)
- Into The Void
- Wish
- No You Dont
- The Good Soldier
- Mr Self Destruct
- Thanks etc from Trent.
- Only
- Suck
- Dead Souls
- The Hand That Feeds
- Head Like A Hole
Trent showed his skills, moving from Guitar, to keyboard, to synthersiser, then back to guitar and really putting in a stellar and emotional performance. From what I've read and Trents own comments on the night, the Sunday evening show was terrible and he and the band really made up for it last night. Trent said "Finally a good f**king show. I was beginning to think we were cursed. Last night I was ready to give up and take up gardening."
I have to say that I went in a little apprehensive as our last visit to the Metro to see Living Colour (See Onski's reviews of these three Melbourne Shows on the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) was memorable as being both a good performance, but one with a pretty bad crowd and average sound. However, the people in the place last night were real fans. No idiots or pushy fools to ruin everyone's night. The sound was spot on, all levels perfect, with the music and Trent's singing never washing each other out. The stage was set up with some spectacular smoke and lighting gear that was timed perfectly to the songs and really helped set the mood and vibe of each song on fire. From the soft purple glow surrounding the band during the only soft song of the night 'Something I Can Never Have', to the strobe and hot yellow lighting of 'The Hand That Feeds' it was a real showcase. It was also during 'The Hand That Feeds' that Jo really fired up and got her dance thing going in a big way!We were in a perfect spot to catch all the action too. Dead centre, second level just in front of the glass. Only one person in front of us, and she was both a hotty and a true fan so I can forgive her for occasionally blocking our view. One hour and forty minutes of perfect concert.
The final song of the night was a personal highlight: the entire crowd - all three packed levels - singing and clapping along with the band - shaking the very walls and floor of the Metro! By the end of 'Head Like A Hole' I was sure that I would have lost my voice. There is no doubt that the next time Trent Reznor brings Nine Inch Nails to town, Jo and I will be there.
All said and done, it was truly a better night just for the fact that we both enjoyed it equally. This was something we both mentioned while we walked around the city talking about it after the concert. Usually, at any given event, one person has a better night than the other. Last night we were both in rapture.
Thanks DM for this great review, sounds like it was a top night.
Almost as good as the Fishbone Concert that Onski Reviewed