Quick update

Hey there fans,

Wow how long has it been since my last post? I apologise. I have been kinda busy with work (Yes serious), finding a new place to live (which I have now done, move in Thursday the 26th October), and getting out and about.

So here is a quick update to tell you I am still alive (no I wasnt the unlucky 3rd Australian legend to die behind Steve Irwin and Peter Brock) and will be pumping new and exciting stuff here in the near future.

Some things to look forward to:
  • More lookalikes. (Mr Onski included)
  • Mr Onski being a fool around town. (some awesome photos)
  • and jokes, jokes, jokes from my fine sources. (you shall fall off the chair)

Also congratulations to MH and SH on the announcement of their new baby boy, Basil. A 2kg bundle of fur that is one of the cutest things you will ever see. (We are talking about a new puppy here, yes I know MH has a bit of a hairy chest hence you could have assumed the bundle of fur was his, but rest assured it is a dog.)

Also in other news, which of you ANZ boys did a road trip and visited my site, I had a hit from Fyshwick in Canberra!

And someone in Mississippi found my site via a google search on 'youtube in living color wanda dating game' Cool thanks for visiting.

And a 5 minute hit from MALTA!!! This person did a google search for the energiser bunny and it has a link to my site where I wrote that Will Calhoun from Living Colour was beating the drums like the energizer bunny. Nice one, keep it up Malta. Also congrats to Malta who finally won an international football(soccer) game the other day. It has been years!!!

Wow I am getting around.

Ok then, take care and keep looking, I will get my ass into gear and ensure that work takes a back seat to my site soon.

Mr Onski


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